Monday, May 3, 2010


What is Vertigo? Vertigo is the feeling that you or your environment is moving or spinning. As if you feel like your flying or about to fall. It differs from dizziness in that vertigo describes an illusion of movement. When you feel as if you yourself are moving, it's called subjective vertigo, and the perception that your surroundings are moving is called objective vertigo.

There are three types of general medical disease topics related to Vertigo, which are:

  1. Balance disorders
  2. Brain conditions
  3. Ear conditions

Problems in the brain or the inner ear can cause vertigo.

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common form of vertigo and is characterized by the sensation of motion initiated by sudden head movements or moving the head in a certain direction. This type of vertigo can be easily treated because it is rarely serious.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
  • Vertigo may also be caused by inflammation within the inner ear (labyrinthitis), which is characterized by the sudden onset of vertigo and may be associated with hearing loss. The most common cause of labyrinthitis is a viral or bacterial infection in the ear.
  • Meniere's disease is composed of a triad of symptoms: episodes of vertigo, ringing in the ears, and hearing loss. People have the abrupt onset of severe vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss, as well as periods in which they are symptom-free.
  • Acoustic neuroma is a type of tumor that can cause vertigo. Symptoms include vertigo with one-sided ringing in the ear and hearing loss.
  • Vertigo can be caused by decreased blood flow to the base of the brain. Bleeding into the back of the brain (cerebellar hemorrhage) is characterized by vertigo, headache, difficulty walking, and inability to look toward the side of the bleed. The result is that the person's eyes gaze away from the side with the problem. Walking is also extremely impaired.
  • Vertigo is often the presenting symptom in multiple sclerosis. The onset is usually abrupt, and examination of the eyes may reveal the inability of the eyes to move past the mid-line toward the nose.
  • Head trauma and neck injury may also result in vertigo, which usually goes away on its own.

Vertigo is a very common symptom. Even celebrities like Janet Jackson have vertigo. Other than that, one of our group member's mothers has Vertigo, too. It is not something serious, but it can be. One should always take precaution when one has it.

If anyone who needs help with vertigo, they could refer to a book called The Consumer Handbook on Dizziness and Vertigo

Thank you.

Group members:
  1. Renia
  2. Namirah
  3. Nadiah KA

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